5th December, 2018

Our cover stars this weeks are all the students who participated in the 800m run as part of our curtailed athletics sports. All through last week Nic Parmenter ran athletics events here at school in a quest to put together a Gleniti team to compete at the South Canterbury Athletics day on Tuesday. On Monday we had a break in the weather and were able to take nearly 70 children down to the track and run our sprints, 200m and 800m races. Phew! What a mission! Thank you Nic for the great work that you did in organising all of this.

Yesterday we were able to take a Gleniti team to the South Canterbury’s. All of our children competed exceptionally well. We placed in over a dozen different events and broke a South Canterbury record in the U9 relay. Detailed results in next weeks newsletter!

Over the last few days we have been running a School Transport Travel display at school. It has been great talking to parents and whanau about the issues that they see when transporting their children to school. As a result we have two prezzy cards to give out, and the winners will be announced early next week J

Congratulations to Pippa Davies who competed so well at the recent Dance Barre Jazz dancing competiton. Pippa received the Top Student Overall award for 2018. What a great achievement J

I’m just repeating these important dates in case you may have missed them. Some key dates to put in your diary as we head into the final straight!

· Year 8 Leavers Dinner at Sopheze on the Bay on Monday 10th December

· Our End of Year Celebration will be held at the Southern Trust Events Centre on Morgans Road from 6:30pm on Monday 17th December

· School closes for the 2018 year at 12pm on Tuesday 18th December

·School begins for 2019 on Tuesday
29th January

Congratulations to all those who received Principal Awards at our assembly last week.

Steve Zonnevylle Principal Gleniti School

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Newsletter, Publication