Gleniti Mini Newsletter, Tuesday 5th February 2019

As tomorrow is the Waitangi Day holiday and we won’t be around to put out a full on newsletter we’ve decided to publish this mini one instead!

School Picnic

Our annual school picnic will be held on Thursday evening from 5:30pm on the big field. Bring along your dinner and enjoy the informal games that we’ll have on offer. This is a great way to meet new faces and to mix with the Gleniti School community. The Coffee Cart will be there as well, so bring along some cash to help you with your coffee fix!

See you on Thursday evening.

PTA News

The PTA meetings are now being held on Monday nights. The PTA met last night. They were able to finalise plans for our basketball revamp … so watch this space!!

The PTA are an amazing group of parents who do plenty for our school. If you haven’t seen our new sandpit yet, well this is result of their great work. So too the new House Group posters on the Library outside wall. These posters look amazing! Designed and painted by our Year 7 and 8 pupils, the PTA were so impressed that they paid for them to be enlarged as an outdoor display. Wow!

BOT News

The first BOT meeting of the year will be held in the school staffroom on Monday 11th February from 7:00pm.

House Fun Afternoon

On Thursday 14th February we’ll be holding a House Fun Afternoon here at school. Children are asked to come along dressed in their House Group colours for the day. We’ve got lots of fun activities arranged for the afternoon.

Scooters and Bikes

Just a gentle reminder that children shouldn’t be riding their bikes or scooters in school grounds (including the walkway down to Spring Road), or up and down Heath Street. These are high volume transport areas so we want to keep everyone safe at all times .

Steve Zonnevylle


By Steve Zonnevylle