Gleniti Newsletter 30th October 2019
Our cover stars this week are sporting sunhats! Term 4 is sunhat term! Please make sure your children head along to school with their sunhats.
We are still on the lookout for parents to help out with our new Kea Crossing on Spring Road. We currently have three parents who have volunteered to help us in the mornings. It would be great to get at least a couple more. The Kea Crossing must have an adult supervising as it means that we will now be stopping traffic. We will be able to arrange teachers in the afternoon, but in the morning we’d really appreciate some extra support. If you are able to help out on the crossing from 8:30-8:55am on any of the days during the week please contact me or via the Facebook page if you are able to help out. The role isn’t an onerous one. The Road Safety children do all the hard work and are trained to make the decisions. But they do need support. Please contact us.
With the news online that Timaru may have our first Measles case (to be confirmed today, or tomorrow from what I understand) it’s important that parents and whanau confirm the immunisation status of their children. If this has changed recently e.g. you have had your child immunised, then please make sure the records at school reflect this.
A huge thank you to Twohig Building, Dey’s Firewood, Artikel and Swint and Gresson Dorman and Co who have all donated money to help cover costs for the hire of the hall and sound system at the Southern Trust Events Centre. It’s great to have their support when planning our End of Year Celebration. If your business would like to help support the school then please drop me a line;
Congratulations to everyone who received a Principal Award during our assembly last week!