Newsletter 16th October 2019
Welcome back everyone. I trust that you’ve had a wonderful break and that you’re all energised for the busy term ahead. As always, Term 4 is full of great events. Two to make special mention of here to begin with; The PTA will running their great Disco on Friday 15th November, and our Athletic Sports will be held on Tuesday 19th November (PP 21st).
Our cover stars this week are members of Learning Team 1 enjoying their hoola-hoops during Discovery today.
The Timaru District Council have been working closely with the school over the last couple of years formulating and implementing our school transport plan. As a result of this you will notice some changes on Spring Road. Spring Road is now officially a school zone area which is designed to slow traffic down. The TDC have also installed new crossing arms on the Spring Road rise. These will be officially working very soon. We are very keen to ensure that all children cross safely on Spring Road, whether it be coming to, or leaving school. With this in mind the best place, and only place to cross is at the crossing arms. Please support the safety of your children by ensuring they cross at this point.
And finally, I would just like to make mention of Carmen Tonks. Carmen has worked with us as a wonderful Teacher Aide over the last few years, but has now left us to join the Mobile School Dental Service. Thank you Carmen for everything that you have done for us and all the best in your new role.
Have a great term everyone!
Steve Zonnevylle, Principal