Newsletter 31st July, 2019
Kia Ora
Footpath Frenzy is on again this week, we had about 30 children walking with us last week. Come along and walk to school with me! We’ll be meeting at the corner of Mountain View Road and Wai-iti Road just before 8:30am. This is the perfect way to encourage safe walking to school.
Our cover stars this week are our Footpath Frenzy team from last week!
Congratulations to Annalise Evans who has recently done so well in Gymnastics Aerobics Competitions. She received two 1st placings at the Canterbury Champs and two 2nd placings in the Auckland Champs. Wow! Great work Annalise!
Keep an eye out for the Parent Interview Code that we will be releasing early next week via Facebook and Txt. Parent Interviews are due on Wednesday and Thursday of week 4 (August 14 and 15). We will close the school early on the Wednesday from 2:00pm. As we’ve done in the past we will provide supervision to help out those families who need it due to the early closing.
Just a gentle reminder about Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and all of the other social media sites available. We do spend a lot of time at school unfortunately working through problems and issues that have arisen outside of school on these sites. Research has shown that children are particularly vulnerable to all sorts of unwanted behaviours on these sites. This is probably why most sites put a 13 year old age limit on themselves. As you will all be aware though there are many ways to get around this. At best these sites enable people to share the highlight reels of their lives and at worse enable people to be nasty, rude, bully like and aggressive all from the safety of their homes. This isn’t good for anyone. Please be vigilant and positive about how your children use social media. So we recommend that at home you set boundaries and build good habits so that we can all be safe on line.
Congratulations to all those children who were awarded Principal awards last Friday. Nice work everyone!
Steve Zonnevylle, Principal