Newsletter 7th August, 2019

Kia Ora

Woohoo! Go Gleniti! Last night our Year 7 Aoraki Maths team won the Year 7 competition. The team of Matthew Armstrong, Henry Jorgenson, Emma Fitzgerald and Emily Phimister won with a highly competitive 16 points beating Waihi A and Ashburton Intermediate into second and third. Well done team!!

To top off an already very successful night our Year 8 team (Yashvi Shah, Tobias Overbeeke, Cooper Phillips and Holly Turner) placed a very credible 5th. Great effort all round.

Wow! Footpath Frenzy was huge last week. We had over 40 children walking with us. Come along and walk to school with me this Friday as well! We’ll be meeting at the corner of Mountain View Road and Murchison Drive just before 8:30am. We’ll be walking along Murchison drive on to Spring Road. This is the perfect way to encourage safe walking to school.

Parent Interviews for our Yr 3-8 families are all set to run next week, Wednesday and Thursday of week 4 (August 14 and 15). Families can book their interview times by following the link

We will be closing the school early on the Wednesday from 2:00pm. As we’ve done in the past we will provide supervision to help out those families who need it due to the early closing. Please let the office know if you would like your child/ren to be supervised.

Congratulations to all those children who were awarded Principal Awards last Friday. Nice work everyone!

Steve Zonnevylle, Principal

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