Our cover stars this week are some of our talented basketballers. They’re showing off their skills in front of one of our brand new basketball goals. Purchased and installed by the PTA over the weekend they provide our Yr 7-8 basketballers with something to aim at that is at regulation height. The PTA didn’t stop there though, they also purchased portable basketball goals to be used down the school further. And they topped it off with brand new nets for our netballers as well. Thankyou PTA team, you all do so much to support the school and we certainly all appreciate it J
Tomorrow at the end of Interval (10:50am) we plan to run another Lockdown drill. This time with the children outside during play and needing to quickly, but orderly head back into classrooms. Once again we’re letting children know of the time of the drill. We are awaiting the findings of the Ministry of Education review into Lockdowns that is currently being held as a result of the Christchurch events in March.
Term One comes to a close tomorrow. Friday is a Teacher Only Day with all the Gleniti Teachers joining teachers from around Timaru to hear all about “Taking a strengths based approach to Well Being”. This is an initiative from our local Kahui Ako who are funding a keynote speaker from the New Zealand Institute of Well Being and Resilience to speak to us all.
Term Two will begin on Monday 29th April. Term Two we welcome Lindsay Robertson into the Principal chair as I will be away on sabbatical for the whole term (due back bright and bushy tailed on Monday 22nd July!). Lindsay was the Principal of Geraldine Primary school for many years and comes to us with a great deal of experience. I’m sure that with the support of everyone around him he’ll have a great time here at Gleniti. J
We are very pleased to announce that Odette Franklin will be taking over in Rm 13 when Alex Hand leaves to go on Parental Leave mid-way through next term.
Congratulations to everyone who received a Principal Award at our assembly last week.
Steve Zonnevylle